We have decided that this is a good location for filming because the lighting in this area is good , especially for filming at night, we also like this setting for filming because it looks good on camera and there isn't too much in the background that won't look good.
we may use this setting, which is close to the one above, for the scenes with the torches and sparklers in. The only problem we could face with this setting it that is may be quite dark. We are still considering other locations for these certain parts of the video.
We really like this location and think it will work well and look good in the music video. However the gates at both ends get shut at night, which is when we would need to film. So if we can get in touch with someone who could leave it open for us to film in then we could use it as a location.
These two settings both look good on camera during the day, however they don't have much light on the night. It would be very hard to make anything out on the video so we have decided not to use these locations.
This image is an experiment of what effect we want to have projected onto a screen where the artist will lip sync. I like this, it will look a lot better on a night time as the lights will stand out a lot more. Also we will be taking a video and not an image, but speeding the video up to get kind of the same effect as this picture.
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